Monogamy is Dead

Many of us were raised to believe that everyone has one soul mate. You grow up watching shows and reading magazines on how people found their yin to their yang.

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Yet when you get into a relationship, you don’t realize how hard staying committed to one person or having them staying committed to you can actually can be. Even more so because of the technological world we live in. Instead of focusing on your partner you may be up at 5 in the morning looking through every one of his/her likes. Infidelity has become glamorized as people fight to be side chicks/side pieces. I’m really blaming social media for this one.

MONOGAMY IS DEAD. Throw on something black and grab your prayer cloth because I’m about to write an obituary for Monogamy.stewie

There is one theory that monogamy emerged in the Roman empire as a way for lower ranking males to exchange their military service & tax contributions for a wife. You see a lower- ranking male could not obtain a wife because he had no stability or clout. Women strove to marry a boss not a worker!

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Our ambitious efforts for survival clearly went in vain as Christianity spread through the West and monogamy became a law. Even though Solomon had 700 wives and concubines but I digress.

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In regards to a select few, every species in the animal kingdom cheats.Wolves, Praire Voles ( fancy name for rat) and black vultures are some of the only animals to practice monogamy. Black Vultures will actually attack and sometimes kill an unfaithful member of their species.

I relate to this on a spiritual level.

Whether you want to blame who we are biologically as a cop-out for cheating; or you want to blame western conditioning, the thought of monogamy has caused many broken homes and hearts.

I wholeheartedly believe in this dying art  because I just can’t fathom the thought of another woman coveting whats mine. However,  I love to play devils advocate and shed light on factors some may not have considered yet.